Bassett furniture maker sanding table

Where We Make It

About 75% of what Bassett sells is built, assembled, finished and upholstered in the USA
by artisans who take pride in their craft. They are continuing a tradition of quality that has been the hallmark
of Bassett through 120 years of designing and building furniture.

Bassett furniture maker cutting tree

Made in the USA

BenchMade is handcrafted by skilled artisans in the USA from trees harvested and milled in the Appalachians. We detail and finish each piece by hand in Virginia, and import our hardware from companies who use the same artisanal approach.

Bassett Furniture maker

Built & Tailored in the USA

Most of our upholstery is hand-assembled, with cushions specially comfort-crafted and upholstered in North Carolina. Some components such as unique fabrics, Italian leathers, and specialty plywoods are globally sourced.

Bassett Furniture maker

Assembled & Finished in the USA

At times, we import most of the components of specialized styles to assemble and finish custom furniture orders here in the USA. We only buy these components from suppliers with the same superior standards of quality signified by our Bassett name.

Different angles of Blue Ridge Mountain aerial landscape View

BenchMade dining and bedroom is artisan crafted

to the highest quality standards with woods harvested in the Appalachians.

rolls of leather

Fabric & Leathers

Bassett curates its fabric and leather line based on one criteria: to create a collection of beautiful styles, colors and textures that allows you to get exactly the look and feel you want. We will go wherever that takes us. Sometimes, like some performance fabrics, that's right in our backyard in Virginia and North Carolina. Other times it may be a boutique tannery in the Italian countryside. No matter where it is, you'll know your getting the best fabrics and leathers we can get.

Bassett maker moving furniture parts

Our Global Family

Bassett has been working some of the most respected furniture sources overseas for 30+ years. We work on fostering the relationship as much as we work on furniture, and catch up on each other's family before we talk business. They are an extension of the Bassett and they know our business and our customer.